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Frederic Lamond: Instruments of the Past - The Reproducing Piano (CD)【fone】 - 限時優惠好康折扣

Frederic Lamond - piano

01. L. van Beethoven: Sonata Op. 111 in C minor - 1st Mov.: Introduction (maestoso)/Allegro Con Brio Appassionato
02. L. van Beethoven: Sonata Op. 111 in C minor - 2nd Mov.: Arietta, Adagio Molto Semplice e Cantabile
03. G. Rossini: Cuius Animam (from "Stabat Mater")
04. F. Liszt: Concert Etude No. 2 ("Gnomenreigen" - Dance Of The Gnomes)
05. F. Liszt: Concert Etude No. 3 in D flat ("Un sospiro" - A sigh) from "Grandes Etudes de Concert"
06. J. Strauss: Frühlingsstimmen (Voices Of Spring)
07. C.M. von Weber: Der Freischütz, Ouverture
08. P. Tchaikovsky: Symphony N. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 2nd Mov. Andante Cantabile con Alcune Licenze







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